
At IT Wonder Lab we share best practices and tutorials for the deployment of applications and the management of cloud infrastructures.

AWS logo
How to install the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) to interact with Amazon Web Services through the command line.
Terraform AWS ECS Fargate
How-to use Terraform or OpenTofu to create an AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) running in Fargate and deploy a Docker container.
Terraform AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Programmatically creating AWS users using IaC tools like Terraform & OpenTofu
Geneation of a PrettyGood Privacy (PGP) Key Pair for automated AWS IAM user access key creation with Terraform.
Terraform Kubernetes
How to publish multiple replicas of an Application (from the Docker Registry) and create a NodePort in Kubernetes using Terraform (in 10 seconds)
Terraform Migration to OpenTofu
How to migrate existing AWS Terraform-managed infrastructure that uses remote backend storage (e.g. S3) to OpenTofu.
Kubernetes NFS
How to use NFS Kubernetes Persistent Volumes for the storage of data. Postgres is used as an example.
Helm Kubernetes
Install Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes.
K3s Kubernetes
K3s.io is a Lightweight Kubernetes cluster perfect for development or edge deployments. K3s is a CNCF Sandbox Project Originally developed by Rancher.
OpenTofu & Kubernetes
How to publish multiple replicas of an Application (from the Docker Registry) and create a NodePort or a LoadBalancer in Kubernetes using OpenTofu (in 10 seconds)
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