How to Install OpenTofu

Previously named OpenTF, OpenTofu is a fork of Terraform that is open-source, community-driven, and managed by the Linux Foundation.

OpenTofu installation can be done in multiple operating systems using a package manager or by downloading a package from OpenTofu's GitHub Releases repository and installing it on the target machine.

This tutorial shows the manual method for Ubuntu, for other Operating Systems or for package managers, look at OpenTofu official documentation.

How to install OpenTofu on Ubuntu

  1. Identify the correct release package at OpenTofu's GitHub repository

    Visit OpenTofu's GitHub Releases repository, expand the list of assets, and identify the installation file for your architecture. e.g. Choose tofu_1.6.0_amd64.deb for Ubuntu AMD/Intel 64 Bits.

  2. Download the OpenTofu installation package using wget

    Download the file:

    $ wget

  3. Install OpenTofu

    Install OpenTofu with the command dpkg

    $ sudo dpkg --install tofu_1.6.0_amd64.deb

  4. Test OpenTofu installation

    Execute OpenTofu (tofu)

    $ tofu version
    OpenTofu v1.6.0
    on linux_amd64

  5. Upgrade OpenTofu

    Download the latest release following the above procedure and execute tofu init to update the providers:

    $ tofu init
    Initializing the backend…

    If the backend has changed, run a state migration with -migrate-state

    $ tofu init -migrate-state

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Javier Ruiz Cloud and SaaS Expert

Javier Ruiz

IT Wonder Lab tutorials are based on the diverse experience of Javier Ruiz, who founded and bootstrapped a SaaS company in the energy sector. His company, later acquired by a NASDAQ traded company, managed over €2 billion per year of electricity for prominent energy producers across Europe and America. Javier has over 25 years of experience in building and managing IT companies, developing cloud infrastructure, leading cross-functional teams, and transitioning his own company from on-premises, consulting, and custom software development to a successful SaaS model that scaled globally.

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