AWS AMI, or Amazon Machine Image, is a pre-configured virtual machine image used to create and launch Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances. They provide a convenient way to package, distribute, and maintain virtual machine templates for various computing needs within the AWS cloud ecosystem.

How to configure and use the Terraform aws_ami data source block to find and use AWS AMIs as templates (root volume snapshot with operating system and applications) for EC2 instances.
AWS EC2 Service
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, is a web service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides resizable and scalable compute capacity in the cloud. In simple terms, AWS EC2 allows you to launch and manage virtual machines, known as instances, in the AWS cloud.
AWS AMI, or Amazon Machine Image, is a pre-configured virtual machine image used to create and launch Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances
AWS EC2 Service
Tutorial and source code explaining how to manage AWS Route 53 DNS Service, create an register an EC2 instances and find an AMI with Terraform.
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