
Terraform is an open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp. It enables users to define and provision infrastructure resources across various cloud providers and on-premises environments using declarative configuration files.

With Terraform, users can describe their desired infrastructure configuration in a high-level configuration language called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) or JSON. These configuration files define the resources, their relationships, dependencies, and configurations needed to create and manage infrastructure components, such as virtual machines, networks, storage, databases, and more.

Terraform automates the provisioning and management of infrastructure by interpreting these configuration files and applying the necessary changes to bring the actual infrastructure state in line with the desired state specified in the configuration. It supports multiple cloud providers, enabling users to manage infrastructure resources across diverse environments consistently and efficiently.

How to configure and use the Terraform aws_subnet resource block to create and manage AWS Subnets inside a VPC. AWS Subnets are a subdivision of the IP Network assigned to the VPC.
The Terraform official AWS provider acts as an abstraction layer that lets Terraform configurations written in HCL define AWS services and infrastructure using code (IaC). Internally Terraform and the AWS provider handle authentication, and make the necessary AWS API calls to query, create, modify, and destroy the resources.
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a web service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables users to securely control access to AWS services and resources. IAM allows administrators to manage users, groups, roles, and permissions within their AWS accounts, ensuring secure and fine-grained control over who can perform specific actions and access particular resources.
AWS is the world’s leading cloud platform, used by startups and large enterprises. AWS offers a wide range of services, including computing, storage, database, networking, analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
How to start building AWS infrastructure with Terraform: Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool used to provision and manage infrastructure. It helps define and deploy resources across various cloud providers using code, making it easier to maintain and scale infrastructure.
Terraform functions perform specific tasks on the data within the configuration files: Numeric Functions Perform mathematical operations like calculations, comparisons, and conversions on numbers. String Functions Manipulate text data, including formatting, searching, and transformations. Collection Functions Work with lists and maps, performing tasks like filtering, sorting, and aggregation. Encoding Functions Encode and decode data in […]
Ansible Terraform AWS
This Ansible AWS tutorial shows how to use Ansible and its dynamic inventory AWS plugin to provision the software and configuration of infrastructure that has been created with Terraform.
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How To Install The Ansible Control Node in Ubuntu.
Terraform Logo
Sharing infrastructure across multiple Terraform projects using Data Sources helps maintain consistency, reduce redundancy, and promote collaboration. Terraform Data Sources allow you to fetch and use external information within your configuration.
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