
Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform. It is designed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes provides a framework for orchestrating containers, which are lightweight, portable, and consistent units for packaging and running applications.

Terraform OpenTofu AWS EKS
This how-to demonstrates how to use Terraform to create an AWS EKS cluster and deploy an application along with a Load Balancer on top.
Terraform Kubernetes
How to publish multiple replicas of an Application (from the Docker Registry) and create a NodePort in Kubernetes using Terraform (in 10 seconds)
Kubernetes NFS
How to use NFS Kubernetes Persistent Volumes for the storage of data. Postgres is used as an example.
Helm Kubernetes
Install Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes.
K3s Kubernetes
K3s.io is a Lightweight Kubernetes cluster perfect for development or edge deployments. K3s is a CNCF Sandbox Project Originally developed by Rancher.
OpenTofu & Kubernetes
How to publish multiple replicas of an Application (from the Docker Registry) and create a NodePort or a LoadBalancer in Kubernetes using OpenTofu (in 10 seconds)
Tutorial on how to use Istio on Kubernetes for releasing new versions of software to the Cloud.
Terraform Kubernetes
What are the Terraform Cloud Agents? With Terraform Cloud Agents, a company can manage its private infrastructure as code and benefit from all the functionality of Terraform in a SaaS scenario.
Tutorial and full source code explaining how to create a Kubernetes cluster with Ansible and Vagrant for local development under 3 minutes.
How to install Istio in a Kubernetes Cluster to use it as a service mesh for a microservices architecture.
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