AWS Terraform Tutorial

This comprehensive tutorial guides you step-by-step through creating infrastructure in AWS using Terraform:

Terraform Basics, AWS Basics, Terraform AWS Provider, AWS VPC, AWS Subnets, AWS Internet Gateway, AWS NAT Gateway, AWS Routing Tables, AWS Security Groups, AWS Key Pairs, AWS AMIs, AWS EC2 Instances, AWS RDS, AWS Route 53 (DNS), AWS Auto Scaling, AWS Load Balancers, Terraform AWS & Ansible, Terraform Modules, Terraform Backends, Terraform Tools, Terraform CI/CD.
The Terraform official AWS provider acts as an abstraction layer that lets Terraform configurations written in HCL define AWS services and infrastructure using code (IaC). Internally Terraform and the AWS provider handle authentication, and make the necessary AWS API calls to query, create, modify, and destroy the resources.
AWS is the world’s leading cloud platform, used by startups and large enterprises. AWS offers a wide range of services, including computing, storage, database, networking, analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
How to start building AWS infrastructure with Terraform: Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool used to provision and manage infrastructure. It helps define and deploy resources across various cloud providers using code, making it easier to maintain and scale infrastructure.
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