Kubernetes Cluster using Vagrant and Ansible with Containerd (in 3 minutes)

Launch a Kubernetes cluster for local development

Kubernetes (a.k.a K8s) is the leading platform for container deployment and management.

In this tutorial, we create a Kubernetes cluster made up of one master server (API, Scheduler, Controller) and n nodes (Pods, kubelet, proxy, and containerd (replacing Docker) ) running project Calico to implement the Kubernetes networking model.

This tutorial is complex and requires constant updates to work with recent Kubernetes releases. For a quick and simple Kubernetes cluster for local development, check the tutorial on Installing a local Kubernetes cluster using K3s a Lightweight Kubernetes.

Vagrant is used to spin up the virtual machines using the Virtualbox hypervisor and to run the Ansible playbooks to configure the Kubernetes cluster environment.

The objective is to provision development environments and learning clusters with many workers.

This Ansible playbook and Vagrantfile for installing Kubernetes have been possible with the help of other blogs (https://kubernetes.io/blog and https://docs.projectcalico.org/). I have included a link to the relevant pages in the source code.

After installing your local Kubernetes cluster, add Istio for load balancing external o internal traffic, controlling failures, retries, routing, applying limits, and monitoring network traffic between services or adding secure communication to your microservices architecture. See the tutorial Installing Istio in Kubernetes with Ansible and Vagrant for local development.


  • 22 Dec 2019: Add information about using a Private Docker Registry as suggested by Brian Quandt.
  • 4 Nov 2019: Install and publish Kubernetes Dashboard under Vagrant, with help from Alex Alongi. Add prerequisites section as requested
  • 26 Sep 2019: Update Calico networking and network security to release 3.9
  • 6 June 2019: Fix issue: kubectl was not able to recover logs. See the new task “Configure node-ip … at kubelet”.
  • 10 Jul 2020:
    • Update prerequisites to the latest releases
    • It now takes above 2 minutes
    • Change the selection of hosts from Ansible groups to host-name pattern (hosts: k8s-m-* and hosts: k8s-n-*)
  • 3 Aug 2020: Allow different amounts of CPU and MEM for master and nodes
  • 10 June 2021: Update software dependencies
  • 16 August 2021: Update Ansible playbooks to use containerd instead of Docker (Kubernetes is deprecating Docker as a container runtime after v1.20.)

Best Practice: Kubernetes with Ansible

The Ansible playbook follows IT Wonder Lab best practices and can be used to configure a new Kubernetes cluster in a cloud provider or in a different hypervisor as it doesn’t have dependencies with VirtualBox or Vagrant

Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with Vagrant and Ansible

Click on the play button to see the execution of Vagrant creating a Kubernetes Cluster with Ansible in less than 3 minutes (the screencast shows the configuration of Kubernetes before 1.22 using Docker).



  • A Linux workstation (I am using Ubuntu 20.10) with At least 8 GB of RAM and 15 GB of free hard disk space for the virtual machines.
    lsb_release -a
  • Vagrant 2.2.16
    wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/vagrant/2.2.16/vagrant_2.2.16_x86_64.deb
    sudo apt install ./vagrant_2.2.16_x86_64.deb
  • VirtualBox 6.1.22 or above
    sudo apt install virtualbox
  • Ansible 2.9.9
    sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
    sudo apt install ansible
  • Download source code for the Kubernetes Cluster using Vagrant and Ansible tutorial from IT Wonder Lab public GitHub repository.

File Structure

The code used to create a Kubernetes Cluster with Vagrant and Ansible is composed of:

  • .vagrant/: hidden directory for Vagrant tracking. It includes a Vagrant generated Inventory file: vagrant_ansible_inventory that is used by Ansible to match virtual machines and roles.
  • add_packages: Ansible playbook to install/remove packages using APT in an Ubuntu system.
  • roles/
    • common/: installs the needed packages for Kubernetes (delegating in add_packages) and configures the common settings for Kubernetes master and nodes.
    • k8s/master/: Ansible playbook to configure a Kubernetes master, it uses the common playbook for shared components between the Kubernetes master and the nodes.
    • k8s/node/: Ansible playbook to configure a Kubernetes node, it uses the common playbook for shared components between the Kubernetes master and the nodes.
    • k8s.yml: Ansible playbook that uses the Kubernetes Ansible roles.
    • ditwl-k8s-01-join-command: this file is generated by the Kubernetes master and includes a temporary token and the command needed to join Kubernetes nodes to the cluster.
  • Vagrantfile: contains the definition of the machines (CPU, memory, network, and Ansible playbook and properties)

Quick Start

If all prerequisites are met, start the cluster with vagrant up, it takes two minutes to download the boxes, spin the VirtualBox machines and install the Kubernetes cluster software.

cd ~/git/github/ansible-vbox-vagrant-kubernetes
vagrant up

Kubernetes Network Overview

The Kubernetes and VirtualBox network will be composed of at least 3 networks shown in the VirtualBox Kubernetes cluster network diagram:

LAN, NAT, HOST Only and Tunnel Kubernetes networks
Kubernetes Network Overview

Kubernetes External IPs

The VirtualBox HOST ONLY network will be the network used to access the Kubernetes master and nodes from outside the network, it can be considered the Kubernetes public network for our development environment. In the diagram, it is shown in green with connections to each Kubernetes machine and a VirtualBox virtual interface vboxnet:

  • K8S-M-1 at eth1:
  • K8S-N-1 at eth1:
  • K8S-N-2 at eth1:
  • vboxnet0 virtual iface:

VirtualBox creates the necessary routes and the vboxnet0 interface:

$ route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         _gateway         UG    100    0        0 enx106530cde22a
link-local     U     1000   0        0 enx106530cde22a   U     0      0        0 vboxnet0   U     100    0        0 enx106530cde22a

Applications published using a Kubernetes NodePort will be available at all the IPs assigned to the Kubernetes servers. For example, for an application published at NodePort 30000 the following URLs will allow access from outside the Kubernetes cluster:

See how to Publish an Application Outside the Kubernetes Cluster. Accessing the Kubernetes servers by ssh using those IPs is also possible.

$ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password: vagrant
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-29-generic x86_64)
Last login: Mon Apr 22 16:45:17 2019 from

VirtualBox NAT Network

The NAT network interface, with the same IP ( for all servers, is assigned to the first interface or each VirtualBox machine, it is used to access the external world (LAN & Internet) from inside the Kubernetes cluster. In the diagram, it is shown in yellow with connections to each Kubernetes machine and a NAT router that connects to the LAN and the Internet. For example, it is used during the Kubernetes cluster configuration to download the needed packages. Since it is a NAT interface it doesn’t allow inbound connections by default.

Kubernetes POD Network

The internal connections between Kubernetes PODs use a tunnel network with IPS on the CIDR range (as configured by our Ansible playbook) In the diagram, is shown in orange with connections to each Kubernetes machine using tunnel interfaces. Kubernetes will assign IPs from the POD Network to each POD that it creates. POD IPs are not accessible from outside the Kubernetes cluster and will change when PODs are destroyed and created.

Kubernetes Cluster Network (Cluster-IP)

The Kubernetes Cluster Network is a private IP range used inside the cluster to give each Kubernetes service a dedicated IP. In the diagram, it is shown in purple. As shown in the following example, a different CLUSTER-IP is assigned to each service:

$ kubectl get all
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/nginx-deployment-d7b95894f-2hpjk   1/1     Running   0          5m47s
pod/nginx-deployment-d7b95894f-49lrh   1/1     Running   0          5m47s
pod/nginx-deployment-d7b95894f-wl497   1/1     Running   0          5m47s
NAME                       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/kubernetes         ClusterIP      <none>        443/TCP          137m
service/nginx-service-np   NodePort    <none>        8082:30000/TCP   5m47s
NAME                               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment   3/3     3            3           5m47s
NAME                                         DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/nginx-deployment-d7b95894f   3         3         3       5m47s

Cluster-IPs can’t be accessed from outside the Kubernetes cluster, therefore, a NodePort is created (or a LoadBalancer in a Cloud provider) to publish an app. NodePort uses the Kubernetes external IPs. See “Publish an Application outside Kubernetes Cluster” for an example of exposing an App in Kubernetes.


IMAGE_NAME = "bento/ubuntu-20.04"
K8S_NAME = "ditwl-k8s-01"

NODES_MEM = 2048

IP_BASE = "192.168.50."


Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
    config.ssh.insert_key = false

    (1..MASTERS_NUM).each do |i|      
        config.vm.define "k8s-m-#{i}" do |master|
            master.vm.box = IMAGE_NAME
            master.vm.network "private_network", ip: "#{IP_BASE}#{i + 10}"
            master.vm.hostname = "k8s-m-#{i}"
            master.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
                v.memory = MASTERS_MEM
                v.cpus = MASTERS_CPU
            master.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
                ansible.playbook = "roles/k8s.yml"
                #Redefine defaults
                ansible.extra_vars = {
                    k8s_cluster_name:       K8S_NAME,                    
                    k8s_master_admin_user:  "vagrant",
                    k8s_master_admin_group: "vagrant",
                    k8s_master_apiserver_advertise_address: "#{IP_BASE}#{i + 10}",
                    k8s_master_node_name: "k8s-m-#{i}",
                    k8s_node_public_ip: "#{IP_BASE}#{i + 10}"

    (1..NODES_NUM).each do |j|
        config.vm.define "k8s-n-#{j}" do |node|
            node.vm.box = IMAGE_NAME
            node.vm.network "private_network", ip: "#{IP_BASE}#{j + 10 + MASTERS_NUM}"
            node.vm.hostname = "k8s-n-#{j}"
            node.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
                v.memory = NODES_MEM
                v.cpus = NODES_CPU
            node.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
                ansible.playbook = "roles/k8s.yml"                   
                #Redefine defaults
                ansible.extra_vars = {
                    k8s_cluster_name:     K8S_NAME,
                    k8s_node_admin_user:  "vagrant",
                    k8s_node_admin_group: "vagrant",
                    k8s_node_public_ip: "#{IP_BASE}#{j + 10 + MASTERS_NUM}"

Lines 1 to 13 define the configuration properties of the Kubernetes cluster:

  • IMAGE_NAME: is the box (virtual machine image) that Vagrant will download and use to create the Kubernetes cluster. We will be using a box identified as “bento/ubuntu-18.04”, it corresponds to a minimal installation of Ubuntu 18.04 packaged by the Bento project.
  • K8S_NAME: is the name that our cluster will have, it is used to identify the join-command file. In our case, the name is “ditwl-k8s-01”, it is an acronym for Demo IT Wonder Lab Kubernetes (aka k8s), and 01, is the number of clusters.
  • MASTERS_NUM: number of master nodes, it is used to create a high availability Kubernetes cluster by increasing the number of master nodes (not implemented in the example Ansible code).
  • MASTERS_MEM: the amount of memory in megabytes for each k8s master. We are giving 2048 to each server.
  • MASTERS_CPU: the number of CPUs available to each k8s master. We are giving 2 CPUs to each server.
  • NODES_NUM = number of workers, the Kubernetes nodes run the pods using a contained runtime, in our demo we are creating 2 nodes.
  • NODES_MEM: the amount of memory in megabytes for each k8s node. We are giving 2048 to each server.
  • NODES_CPU: the number of CPUs available to each k8s node. We are giving 2 CPUs to each server.
  • IP_BASE = First three octets of the IP address that will be used to define the VirtualBox Host network and assign IP addresses to the external interface of the Kubernetes machines. The example uses 192.168.50. to produce the following associations:
    • for the vboxnet0
    • for k8s-m-1 (Kubernetes master node 1)
    • for k8s-n-1 (Kubernetes worker node 1)
    • for k8s-n-2 (Kubernetes worker node 2)

Masters are created in lines 15 to 40, a loop is used to create MASTERS_NUM master machines with the following characteristics:

The name of the machine is created with the expression “k8s-m-#{i}” that identifies a machine as a member of Kubernetes (k8s), a master, and the number (the loop variable i).

MASTERS_MEM and MASTERS_CPU variables are used to set the amount of memory and CPU assigned to the master nodes.

Ansible as provisioner using the playbook “roles/k8s.yml”

The pattern for the hostname will be used by Ansible to select all master nodes with the expression "k8s-m-*" as listed on the file .vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory

Contents of vagrant_ansible_inventory:

# Generated by Vagrant
k8s-n-2 ansible_host= ansible_port=2201 ansible_user='vagrant' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='/home/jruiz/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key'
k8s-m-1 ansible_host= ansible_port=2222 ansible_user='vagrant' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='/home/jruiz/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key'
k8s-n-1 ansible_host= ansible_port=2200 ansible_user='vagrant' ansible_ssh_private_key_file='/home/jruiz/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key'

Ansible extra vars are defined to modify the default values assigned by the Ansible playbooks.

  • k8s_cluster_name: K8S_NAME
  • k8s_master_admin_user: “vagrant”
  • k8s_master_admin_group: “vagrant”
  • k8s_master_apiserver_advertise_address: “#{IP_BASE}#{i + 10}”
  • k8s_master_node_name: “k8s-m-#{i}”

Worker nodes are created in lines 42 to 63 using a similar code as the one used in the masters. The name of the worker nodes is created with the expression “k8s-n-#{j}” that identifies a machine as a member of Kubernetes (k8s), a node, and the number (the loop variable j).


Playbook k8s.yml

The playbook is executed by the Vagrant Ansible provisioner. It selects hosts using a wildcard (k8s-m-* and k8s-n-*) and applies to the master and node roles respectively.

- hosts: k8s-m-*
  become: yes
    - { role: k8s/master}   

- hosts: k8s-n-*
  become: yes
    - { role: k8s/node}   

Role k8s/master

The k8s/master Ansible playbook is a role that creates the Kubernetes master node, it uses the following configuration that can be redefined in the Vagrantfile (see Vagrantfile Ansible extra vars).

k8s_master_admin_user:  "ubuntu"
k8s_master_admin_group: "ubuntu"
k8s_master_node_name: "k8s-m"
k8s_cluster_name:     "k8s-cluster"
k8s_master_apiserver_advertise_address: ""
k8s_master_pod_network_cidr: ""

Since this is a small Kubernetes cluster the default pod network has been changed to (a smaller network –

It can be modified at the Ansible master defaults file or at the Vagrantfile as an extra var.

The role requires the installation of some packages that are common to master and worker Kubernetes nodes, since there should be an Ansible role for each task, the Ansible meta folder is used to list role dependencies and pass the value of the variables (each role has its own variables that are assigned at this step).

The master Kubernetes Ansible role has a dependency with k8s/common:

  - { role: k8s/common,
      k8s_common_admin_user: "{{k8s_master_admin_user}}",
      k8s_common_admin_group: "{{k8s_master_admin_group}}"

Once the dependencies are met, the playbook for the master role is executed:

- name: Configuring the kubelet cgroup driver
     src: kubeadm-config.yaml
     dest: /home/{{ k8s_master_admin_user }}/kubeadm-config.yaml 

#kubeadm init --config /home/vagrant/kubeadm-config.yaml
# --cri-socket /run/containerd/containerd.sock
#--apiserver-advertise-address= --apiserver-cert-extra-sans= --node-name=k8s-m-1 --pod-network-cidr= 
- name: Configure kubectl
  command: kubeadm init --config /home/{{ k8s_master_admin_user }}/kubeadm-config.yaml
  # --apiserver-advertise-address="{{ k8s_master_apiserver_advertise_address }}" --apiserver-cert-extra-sans="{{ k8s_master_apiserver_advertise_address }}" --node-name="{{ k8s_master_node_name }}" --pod-network-cidr="{{ k8s_master_pod_network_cidr }}"
    creates: /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml

- name: Create .kube dir for {{ k8s_master_admin_user }} user
      path: "/home/{{ k8s_master_admin_user }}/.kube"
      state: directory

- name: Copy kube config to {{ k8s_master_admin_user }} home .kube dir 
    src: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
    dest:  /home/{{ k8s_master_admin_user }}/.kube/config
    remote_src: yes
    owner: "{{ k8s_master_admin_user }}"
    group: "{{ k8s_master_admin_group }}"
    mode: 0660

#Rewrite calico replacing defaults
- name: Rewrite calico.yaml
     src: calico/3.15/calico.yaml
     dest: /home/{{ k8s_master_admin_user }}/calico.yaml 
- name: Install Calico (using Kubernetes API datastore)
  become: false
  command: kubectl apply -f /home/{{ k8s_master_admin_user }}/calico.yaml 
# Step 2.6 from https://kubernetes.io/blog/2019/03/15/kubernetes-setup-using-ansible-and-vagrant/
- name: Generate join command
  command: kubeadm token create --print-join-command
  register: join_command

- name: Copy join command for {{ k8s_cluster_name }} cluster to local file
  become: false
  local_action: copy content="{{ join_command.stdout_lines[0] }}" dest="./{{ k8s_cluster_name }}-join-command"

Role k8s/node

Each worker node needs to be added to the cluster by executing the join command that was generated on the master node.

The join command uses kubeadm join with api-server-endpoint (It is located at Kubernetes master server) and the token and a hash to validate the root CA public key.

kubeadm join --token lmnbkq.80h4j8ez0vfktytw --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:54bbeb6b1a519700ae1f2e53c6f420vd8d4fe2d47ab4dbd7ce1a7f62c457f68a1

The playbook to install a node is very small, it has a dependency on the k8s/common packaged:

  - { role: k8s/common,
      k8s_common_admin_user: "{{k8s_node_admin_user}}",
      k8s_common_admin_group: "{{k8s_node_admin_group}}"

Specific worker node tasks:

- name: Copy the join command to {{ k8s_cluster_name }} cluster
    src: "./{{ k8s_cluster_name }}-join-command" 
    dest: /home/{{ k8s_node_admin_user }}/{{ k8s_cluster_name }}-join-command
    owner: "{{ k8s_node_admin_user }}"
    group: "{{ k8s_node_admin_group }}"
    mode: 0760  
- name: Join the node to cluster {{ k8s_cluster_name }}
  command: sh /home/{{ k8s_node_admin_user }}/{{ k8s_cluster_name }}-join-command

Role k8s/common

The k8s/common Ansible role is used by the Kubernetes master and worker nodes Ansible playbooks.

Using the Ansible meta folder, the add_packages is added as a dependency.  The add_packages will install the packages listed at the Ansible variable k8s_common_add_packages_names along with its corresponding repositories and public keys.

  - { role: add_packages,
    linux_add_packages_repositories: "{{ k8s_common_add_packages_repositories }}",
    linux_add_packages_keys: "{{ k8s_common_add_packages_keys }}",
    linux_add_packages_names: "{{ k8s_common_add_packages_names }}",
    linux_remove_packages_names: "{{ k8s_common_remove_packages_names }}"

Definition of variables:

- key: https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg
- key: https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg

- repo: "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu {{ansible_distribution_release}} stable"
- repo: "deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main" #k8s not available for Bionic (Ubuntu 18.04)

- name: apt-transport-https
- name: curl
- name: containerd.io
- name: kubeadm 
- name: kubelet 
- name: kubectl

- name: 

  - name: overlay
  - name: br_netfilter

  - name: net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables
    value: 1
  - name: net.ipv4.ip_forward
    value: 1
  - name: net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables
    value: 1

k8s_common_admin_user:  "ubuntu"
k8s_common_admin_group: "ubuntu"

The Ansible playbook for k8s/common: it installs common Kubernetes components for all nodes (master and workers).

- name: Remove current swaps from fstab
    dest: /etc/fstab
    regexp: '^/[\S]+\s+none\s+swap '
    state: absent

- name: Disable swap
  command: swapoff -a
  when: ansible_swaptotal_mb > 0

- name: Configure containerd.conf modules
     src: etc/modules-load.d/containerd.conf
     dest: /etc/modules-load.d/containerd.conf 

- name: Load containerd kernel modules
    name: "{{ item.name }}"
    state: present
  loop: "{{ k8s_common_modprobe }}"

- name: Configure kubernetes-cri sys params
    name: "{{ item.name }}"
    value: "{{ item.value }}"
    state: present
    reload: yes
  loop: "{{ k8s_common_sysctl }}"

# https://github.com/containerd/containerd/issues/4581
# File etc/containerd/config.toml needs to be deleted before kubeadm init
- name: Configure containerd.conf
    src: etc/containerd/config.toml
    dest: /etc/containerd/config.toml
  notify: restart containerd

- name: Configure node-ip {{ k8s_node_public_ip }} at kubelet
    path: '/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf'
    line: 'Environment="KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS=--node-ip={{ k8s_node_public_ip }}"'
    regexp: 'KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS='
    insertafter: '\[Service\]'
    state: present
  notify: restart kubelet

- name: restart containerd
    name: containerd 
    state: restarted 
    daemon_reload: yes

- name: Delete configuration for containerd.conf (see https://github.com/containerd/containerd/issues/4581)
    state: absent
    path:  /etc/containerd/config.toml


This Ansible role specializes in the installation and removal of packages.


  • Adds repositories keys,
  • Adds repositories to the sources lists,
  • Updates the cache if needed (if new repositories),
  • Removes and installs packages.
- name: Add new repositories keys
  with_items: "{{ linux_add_packages_keys | default([])}}"
  when: linux_add_packages_keys is defined and not (linux_add_packages_keys is none or linux_add_packages_keys | trim == '')
  register: aptnewkeys
- name: Add new repositories to sources
  with_items: "{{ linux_add_packages_repositories | default([])}}"
  when: linux_add_packages_repositories is defined and not (linux_add_packages_repositories is none or linux_add_packages_repositories | trim == '')
- name: Force update cache if new keys added
        linux_add_packages_cache_valid_time: 0
  when: aptnewkeys.changed
- name: Remove packages
    name={{ item.name }}
  with_items: "{{ linux_remove_packages_names | default([])}}"
  when: linux_remove_packages_names is defined and not (linux_remove_packages_names is none or linux_remove_packages_names | trim == '')
- name: Install packages
    name={{ item.name }}
  with_items: "{{ linux_add_packages_names | default([])}}"
  when: linux_add_packages_names is defined and not (linux_add_packages_names is none or linux_add_packages_names | trim == '')

Next Steps:

28 comments on “Kubernetes Cluster using Vagrant and Ansible with Containerd (in 3 minutes)”

  1. Unfortunately I also get an error and I'm not sure why containerd can be started on the VM:

    TASK [k8s/common : restart containerd] *****************************************
    fatal: [k8s-m-1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unable to restart service containerd: Job for containerd.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.\nSee \"systemctl status containerd.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n"}

  2. Thanks, very illustrative and useful! On arch linux, possibly other, the default allowed range for vbox host networks is The script will tell you, and this link https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=104357 indicates the default ranges.

    To make the excellent example run through vagrant up, I configured

    /etc/vbox/networks.conf: to contain


    Using the hints as provided with the already provided scripts.

  3. Hi,

    Thank you very much for the tutorial 🙂

    I have Windows OS as host machine and I did some works so that Vagrantfile works perfectly:

    1- Enable WSL in Windows:
    From "Turn Windows Features on or off" >> Enable "Windows Subsystem for Linux" >> "Ok" >>resboot
    2- install Ubuntu:
    From "Microsoft Store" >> Search For "Ubuntu" >> Download and install
    3- Run Ubuntu and install "Vagrant" and "Ansible" as standard Linux
    4- additional configurations regard running vagrant in WSL machine:
    echo 'export VAGRANT_WSL_ENABLE_WINDOWS_ACCESS="1"' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/mnt/c/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox"' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/mnt/c/Windows/System32"' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/mnt/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0"' >> ~/.bashrc
    5- Clone repo in one of mounted directory like "/mnt/c" or "/mnt/d" so that no synced folder error rised up
    6- Change IP_BASE Value in Vagrantfile to "192.168.56."
    7- Run vagrant up and everything go smoothly.
    8- Error related to K8s cluster:
    8-1- disable swap permanently in /etc/fstab
    8-2-Error when run kubectl ((I1226 06:04:59.430679 15846 cached_discovery.go:87] failed to write cache to /home/vagrant/.kube/cache/discovery/ due to mkdir /home/vagrant/.kube/cache: permission denied)))
    To solve it:
    sudo mkdir ~/.kube/cache
    sudo chmod 755 -R ~/.kube/cache
    sudo chown vagrant:vagrant ~/.kube/cache

    Hopefully that help windows users

    thank you

  4. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial. Helping me set up lab for my project and learn k8 without wasting any time for installation

  5. Hi Javier,

    Thank you so much for posting such a wonderful article. Being new to Kubernetes, I was not sure how to approach. But this article made my day.

    Thanks a lot - Roy

      1. Hi Martin:

        It was announced that Kubernetes was deprecating Docker as a container runtime after v1.20.

        The tutorial has been updated to Kubernetes v1.22.0 and it now uses containerd.io instead of Docker.

        Source code has been uploaded to GitHub and tutorial "instructions" will be updated accordingly.

        Please check the new code and let me know if you find any issues.


  6. Hi Mark

    Thanks, the updates on 10 June, 2021 are for: Vagrant, Ansible, Virtual box. No changes in code where needed.

    I can't test it now but will do it in a few days to see if something is broken.


  7. Hey Thanks for this.
    I used this a couple of months ago , everything worked fine. Today, I git cloned again and I'm getting errors with kubeadm is unable to initialize cluster. See below snippet..

    I noticed that in your updates you mention 10 June, 2021 that you updated dependencies. Is it possible something is broken since that change. I cant see which files you updated in git - did you merge the updates?

    I will leave it with you for now.

    ---- snippet -----

    TASK [k8s/master : Configure kubectl] ******************************************
    fatal: [k8s-m-1]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["kubeadm", "init", "--apiserver-advertise-address=", "--apiserver-cert-extra-sans=", "--node-name=k8s-m-1", "--pod-network-cidr="], "delta": "0:02:52.130093", "end": "2021-08-05 00:32: ....

    1. Hi Mark:

      It was announced that Kubernetes was deprecating Docker as a container runtime after v1.20.

      The tutorial has been updated to Kubernetes v1.22.0 and it now uses containerd.io instead of Docker.

      Source code has been uploaded to GitHub and tutorial "instructions" will be updated accordingly.

      Please check the new code and let me know if you find any issues.


  8. Used it and it worked like a charm, had no issues whatsoever, I always use this for my local setup for K8s. Thanks!

  9. I stumbled on this while having a coffee with friends (my bad) and coud not wait to try it out on my laptop. I tried it out in the evening and it went without a hitch. It took a bit more than three minutes but when it finished and I did a quick check, this was exactly what I had been trying to set up. Today I will have a detailed look at the scripts but right now your post deserves a rating of five *.

    Thank you very much.

  10. Worked as advertised! Ok took me maybe an hour, but I was reading, stopping, understanding, and tried it. I'm a developer and this could easily be handed over to other devs to replicate for locale build/test/deploy.

    Found this article on doing 'hello world' in python for the 'next stop' on okay what do you do with a k8 deployment. https://kubernetes.io/blog/2019/07/23/get-started-with-kubernetes-using-python/

    But I have an error when I try to deploy my 'hello world' test, ie
    kubectl get all reports

    pod/hello-python-5477d55974-4bdwh 0/1 ErrImageNeverPull 0 12m

    I think this is simply something with the deployment.yaml of my test, (ie I'm not sure how to specify in the yaml how k8 is to look at my local docker repo, vrs the one its running in vagrant). Or maybe you tell k8-m-1 where to find the local docker repo??


    1. Hi Brian,

      Thanks for your words.

      The docket repo is accessed using http (not a local file). You need to push the image to a remote public repo.

      See my tutorial Istio traffic splitting in Kubernetes for instructions on how to build an image, publish it in a remote repo and configure Kubernetes deployment to use the remote repo.

  11. HI, great work!
    is available a git repo for the source ??
    i'd try to use ansible_local instead of ansible for using vagrant on Windows and install ansible on guest.

  12. Hi, thank you for the great tutorial - I am however a bit unsure of which prerequisites (I need Vagrant, Virtualbox, and what else? - and and which versions of them?) I will need to install on my local Ubuntu 18.04 host before going through with this tutorial? Thanks in advance!

      1. Thanks a lot, and kudos for the fast reply. That was just what I was looking for - I'll go right ahead and try it out.

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